The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I really enjoyed this book, though it had me irritated at times. How you say? Through the middle, every single time I'd get super into a certain storyline the POV would switch and all of a sudden we're on the other side of the world doing something totally different. Necessary, yes. But it had me throwing the book to the side every time it happened, specially leaving Perrin for Elayne and Nynaeve. And then I'd get into their story and we're back to Rand. And then I'd get really into that and we're with Min in the White Tower. I have to admit, each time we came back to Perrin I got excited and couldn't put it down. By the end, it didn't matter that the POVs switched. Each storyline had to finish up, so I was less irritated that we were jumping around. I like to write these reviews as a reminder to myself of what happened in the book so I can look back later and remember easily, so there will be SPOILERS TO FOLLOW.
I read another review that said Perrin was a flat character and they could barely finish the book, even skimming over his storyline. Why would you skim this??? Maybe it's because he's obviously become my favourite character, but I couldn't imagine someone not enjoying his story. Maybe the boys/men reading this don't find him completely endearing as I do? Maybe so. His love for Faile keeps me wanting more. So subtle, yet it is a love that has been growing through the last two books and is believable and not insta-love like what I felt happened with Elayne and Min over Rand. They really had to work for it. When she held him and let him grieve over his family... Yikes. I was done. And when he kicked Stepper into high gear after picking her up on his horse after the last battle, I had to giggle. I just love these two. In addition to the relationship that blossoms, Perrin went through a huge change of character, accepting his leadership position. The specific line about addressing Tam and Abell by their first names said it all. This boy suddenly became a man in the eyes of the townspeople that watched him grow up. It seemed by no choice of his own, family dead and people all looking to him for what needed to be done, that he had to step forward and lead them to victory. I enjoyed every moment spent in Perrin's POV. Still not quite sure what Alanna has planned and which side she is on. I don't trust her.
Aside from Perrin, this book was great because there are so many elements all tying together. Rand, Mat, Ewgene, Moiraine, Lan, and the Aiel going to Rhuidean and then Alcair Dal. The Aiel have so many customs that are different; it's somewhat hard to follow, mainly because the characters don't understand it either. Much is explained as if explaining that the sky is blue or water is wet... So there's little detail as we are just expected to understand, but I imagine this will eventually become clearer as the story goes on. Then again, maybe Rand will never understand Aviendha. I do know she will be important to the story. I saw something online that spoiled it for me, but I won't for you. Just stay offline!!! So many spoilers in the simplest places... The bits when the boys actually are in Rhuidean were very interesting, though I feel I'll have an easier time understanding it all on my second read. There is a lot of history there and new characters in that history. I'm not sure if they're essential to remember or to just remember the stories surrounding them. Mat's story, though not very big in this book, is interesting and very undeveloped, leading me to think the next books will expand what little we know of his new memories of past lives lived as generals.
Elayne and Nynaeve's storyline was my least favourite, but it was still good. I like Thom and what he adds to the story with his knowledge of the game. Egeanin, I'm still not sure what to make of her. And Bayle Domon, I forget who he is every single time until he starts talking and then I remember. There's no mistaking his speech for anyone else. I think it's interesting how initially, to me at least, he seems like an unimportant character, but he's shown up in -every book? or at least 3 out of the 4 so far- so I expect him to be a big part of the story going forward. He has to dispose of the weapon they found. Will he or will he be thwarted? Will Egeanin seduce him and then take it? There's just something about her that I don't trust still. And then there's the point of the new Forsaken... I can't seem to keep track of all of them with their odd names, but this new one Moghedien, how did she escape? What powers do the forsaken have that modern day Aes Sedai don't understand? I can't keep track of all the Black Ajah either, so I actually enjoy that Jordan describes them every time they show up. I know a lot of people say he's repetitive with certain things, and yes, who cares what the dresses look like, but then again, I enjoy this too so far. It paints a picture of the different cultures in each part of the world. Very interesting. But the Black Ajah, can't remember their names aside from Liandrin. But he's doing good keeping me knowing what's going on at least while it's going on.
As I was reading, I also was thinking of characters we met earlier that seemed to disappear for a while, and then they appeared within a few pages. Weird. Padan Fain was the first one and then Logain later on. I wonder how Logain will impact the story. He is stilled so he can no longer channel, but maybe he will be of use with the Amyrlin? I'm still trying to figure out Fain too. He's worse than a dark friend, but how? That's yet to be discovered really. Oh and Lord Luc - knew he was evil from the moment he came in. I had a guess he was Slayer - him or Fain - but I'm glad it's Luc, because that's one more character that we now know is a darkfriend and if the wolves have given him a name, we know he's important, even if he disappeared for the end of the book.
When the Amyrlin woke up stilled, I was super shocked, but it did answer my question as to what they would do with her to make sure she couldn't fight back. I felt terrible for her and it solidified how much I don't like Elaida. I never liked her, but now I actually have a reason. Again, more here that I'd want to go back and read the first books again to see what I missed. And Gawyn... I wasn't sure about him before, but now I know, I really don't like him. And where was Galad? Is Ewgene going to end up with one of them? Surely not after Gawyn did this. Good thing Min was there putting on her little act. I feel like we're going to see Ewgene as Amyrlin soon. It seems to be pointing that direction. Maybe Rand will give her the female sa' angreal he found and they can use them together to stop the Dark Lord. We'll see how well Asmodean can teach him. The gleeman - I suspected as much, but did not suspect that the overweight peddler Keille was actually Lanfear disguised. I wonder when she will decide that it is too dangerous to help Rand become stronger. She thinks she can help him and he will choose to rule the world with her, but I think he has a different plan.
I almost completely forgot about the beginning of the book - so much happened - Rand fighting versions of himself jumping out of the mirror, Perrin his axe, and Mat the cards - and then the Trollac attack where he used Callandor! Holy cow that was crazy, actually more intense than the final battle. (I find that the final battle in each of the books has been anti climactic, but the rest of the story makes up for it.) And Berelain coming onto him AND Perrin. Knowing she's the hawk Min saw around him, well I can only hope he stays true to Faile. We're not done with Berelain, that's for sure. That's one thing, these books are so long (in a good way) that it's easy to forget what happened in the beginning because the story has taken us somewhere totally new. I love it.
Anyways, we will see. Can't wait for more!
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